Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Elementary World

“Building Strong Educational Pillars”

Elementary world is a world that full of interesting, dynamic and exciting activities. Children begin to enter a learning stage that is challenging and more academic. This is a good time to build strong educational pillars by practicing Christian values and characters, discovering the potentials and talents that God put in their lives, learning to build and collaborate in teams, practicing positive sportsmanship and competitive attitudes and learning to be responsible and applying skills for life.

The unique approaches to Elementary Students Learning and Development:

  • Collaborative Learning Activities
  • Students become more actively engaged in their learning through social interaction within small groups to solve a given problem. Here, students are encouraged to exchange ideas and develop a stronger leadership skill.

  • Biblical Approach
  • Students are invited to think critically and experience how to live according to a biblical worldview through the daily learning activities.

  • Authentic Learning
  • Students apply their knowledge in real-life contexts and situations through various activities, projects and field trips.


Monday to Friday 07.30-13.20
Monday to Thursday 07.30-13.45
Friday 07.30-14.45
Monday to Wednesday 07.30-14.20
Thursday 07.30-13.45
Friday 07.30-14.45