God made each person uniquely, giving them a speciality. Similarly, the developmental stages of a special need (neurodivergent) children's mindset and behavior are distinct. Due to differences in their mindset and behavior, individuals with neurodivergents require different learning demands and supports than children their age in order to grow and develop healthily.

The Special Education Program (SEP) at MSCS provides a supportive environment for these students to receive formal education, social interaction, and spiritual guidance tailored to their individual requirements. The Department offers programs that can be customized to meet the specific needs of these students, allowing them to grow and thrive academically and personally.

Furthermore, the Department has additional benefits during the educational process. This department is an integrated part of the regular academic curriculum from Preschool, Elementary, to MS High (Junior High and Senior High).This integrated department is a vital part of the academic curriculum at MSCS, ensuring that students receive a holistic education that nurtures their cognitive abilities, spirituality, artistic creativity, and independence through various activities that promote socialization and entrepreneurial skills.

Several modifications have been implemented to ensure that the unique needs of each student are met effectively, which include the following:

  • Adaptation of teaching methods Teaching learning process is delivered in a focused manner with a favorable teacher-to-student ratio, where one teacher instructs 2-3 mild-neurodivergent students. This approach is carried out in small groups within designated study rooms.
  • Alteration of the learning environment (pull in-out) Neurodivergent students often struggle with processing multiple sensory stimuli, particularly sound, and therefore we provide a quieter study environment to enhance their focus while engaging with educational material, following instructions, and participating in hands-on activities to grasp concepts.
  • Curriculum customization The utilization of adaptive curriculum enables all neurodivergent students to engage in educational activities that promote exploration, interaction, and independence, emphasizing the mastery of life skills essential for survival and basic entrepreneurship.
  • School schedule adjustment Given the limited attention span and endurance of neurodivergent students, it is crucial to select appropriate learning materials during their most productive hours (school hours concluding at 13:00).
  • Emphasis on Meaningful Learning and Bible Integration Every learning activity is designed to nurture neurodivergent students into individuals who fear God, incorporating role-playing exercises tailored to their developmental stages and skill progression before they transition into society.


The SEP Department gives high priority to the use of Indonesian as the language for conversations and teaching instructions, with a usage rate of 90%. This helps the students to focus and master their learning. Additionally, instead of immersion, neurodivergent students will learn English specifically through vocabulary and daily conversation applications.

Furthermore, we offer coherent, systematic, and regularly evaluated behavioral interventions. Establishing effective communication and forming a strong team with parents through parent involvement activities, support groups, focus group discussions, and home visits is a crucial step in helping every neurodivergent student fulfill their purpose, as God called them to, in life.


MSCS SEP PROGRAM program offers a unique blend of the national curriculum and a flexible curriculum such as:

  • Life Skills materials (i.e.dressing, feeding, using the restroom, self awareness (emotion and needs))
  • Sexual education (i.e. gender identity, the private and public area, the circle of intimacy, good and bad touch)
  • Sensory motor skills as a warm-up and wind-down for instructional and learning activities
  • Behavioral treatment, or behavior intervention plans, which are implemented on a term-by-term basis during a school year.