Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Psalm 127:4

Junior High World

“ Training and Equipping for Life”

MSCS provides a safe and comfortable learning environment for pre-teenagers and adolescents to grow up in a healthy Christian community. Friendship plays an important role and parents get a partner who help their children to depend on Biblical values in the middle of a fallen world that is increasingly losing the truth and Christian values.

The unique approaches to Junior High Students Learning and Development:

  • Problem Based Learning

  • The learning process stimulates the students to think critically, creatively, and innovatively to solve problems happening around them.

  • Servant Leadership

  • Cultivating a serving heart through Mission Trip and Community Service which are held regularly.

  • Digital Citizenship (e-learning)

  • Equipping the students to govern the technology.


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 07.30-15.00
Wednesday 07.15-15.00
Friday 07.30-15.15