"For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. "
1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

Student Support Services
Student Support Services (SSS) collaborates with Academic departments and parents to provide supports and directions for students to grow healthily as a whole person cognitively, emotionally, as well as socially, into Imago Dei self-image. Each student is an individual that is unique and was created after God's image and likeness. It is because of sin each student needs to be born again and grow into His Character by learning Christian values each and every day.
The SSS team seek to provide a relax atmosphere where each individual can explore life issues in a safe and supportive environment, gain clarity and insights into problems, enhance communication/interpersonal and gain problem-solving skills.
The programs offered by SSS :
- Private and / or group counseling
- Student Monitoring
- Coaching Class
- Career Counseling
Provides individual counseling for students as recommended by the Department, or at the request of parents, or children who come directly asking for support.
Collaborates with Academic departments and parents to handle self-development coaching for students.
Teaches in classes through fun self-development topics (TeenTalk in Junior High, and Coaching-class in Senior High) to provide materials related to adolescent self-development from a Christian Psychological perspective which based on Biblical values.
Collaborates with Senior High team that assists students who wants to continue to Higher Education Institutions. SSS provides overview of the tertiary majors and evaluate each student's personal readiness, in terms of recognizing talents and interests.